Biblical Phronesis Podcast

Doctrinal Divisions | BPS6 E05

Fidelis Emuze Season 6 Episode 5

1 Timothy 1:4

4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. - KJV

A drift in doctrine is evident in the modern-day Church. The drift, inter-alia, sow and grow divisions in the Church. It does this through the agency of false doctrine propagated by either a man or woman, leading many away from the truth to implant instability, confusion, and division. The coronary is that the ‘oneness’ of the Church is attacked. The Church must ‘red card’ those teaching wrong things for the sake of dishonest gain.

Music: Nathaniel Bassey

Olive Tree Bible APP
Bible versions: AMPC, NLT, NIV, KJV
Commentary / Study Bibles:
McArthur, Quest SBN, Thompson Chain Reference, NKJV SBN, Chronological LASB NLT

References & Further Readings
Bae, B. (Undated) The Apostolic foundation of the Church [Online]. Available from:,10%2D11%20in%20context [Accessed 22 December 2023].
Mbewe, C. (2020) Three distinguishing characteristics of a true Church [Online]. Available from:,very%20definition%20of%20the%20church [Accessed 23 December 2023]
Schaefer, C. (Undated). The danger of false humility [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 December 2023].
Sproul, R.C. (2013) What is the Church. Sanford, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, a division of Ligonier Ministries.

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