Biblical Phronesis Podcast

The Visible Church | BPS6 E06

Fidelis Emuze Season 6 Episode 6

Hebrews 10:25

25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. - KJV

The above verse supports and encourages the coming together of Christians through the visible Church that all the world can see. However, the visible Church houses the invisible Church. While the world sees the good, the bad and the ugly of the visible Church, the Church of Jesus Christ that is Holy, Faithful and True to the Gospel thrives in the background. The question is, which part of the Church are you – visible or invisible or both?

Music: Nathaniel Bassey

Olive Tree Bible APP
Bible versions: AMPC, NLT, NIV, KJV
Commentary / Study Bibles:
McArthur, Quest SBN, Thompson Chain Reference, NKJV SBN, Chronological LASB NLT

References & Further Readings
Bae, B. (Undated) The Apostolic foundation of the Church [Online]. Available from:,10%2D11%20in%20context [Accessed 22 December 2023].
Mbewe, C. (2020) Three distinguishing characteristics of a true Church [Online]. Available from:,very%20definition%20of%20the%20church [Accessed 23 December 2023]
Schaefer, C. (Undated). The danger of false humility [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 24 December 2023].
Sproul, R.C. (2013) What is the Church. Sanford, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, a division of Ligonier Ministries.

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